December 7, 2009

The Doctor of Space and Time v The Professor for Public Understanding

Tom Baker’s behaviour with Dawkins’ wife can only be described as lurid. Stream the video below to discover some of the most disturbing flirtation during prime time advertising that modern man has borne witness to:

This gangly oddball couldn’t help it; Lalla is enchanting. Lalla is mesmerising. That I could tune out Baker in all manner and form so Lalla could simply beam directly into me and fill me with her light.

It is a shame that science fiction’s brain damaged great dane sniffed his way around her before she fell so savagely for Darwin’s pit-bull. Being disgusted by Baker from the outset is easy - he is an actor after all. But to twist the commandments of science like some actors fake plastic acting knife into the belly of fiction and force the working class to stare at you, while drinking lager from a can and beating their children, probably, as you [actor Tom Baker] act out the entire monstrosity on television is tantamount to a capital crime.

Even the thought of Tom Baker sends my stomach churning. I want to punch that pallid actor right in his asinine smirk, that stupid smirk that seems forever stranded on his face. He reminds me somewhat of my strumpet of an ex-wife. Not her per se, but the moronic males that she cohorts with during her walks along the Avon river. Well aware that I see her during my lunch breaks. Humiliating me with these grotesque public displays of affection that I never afforded her. Lillian, for Christ’s sake, as if I had not suffered enough.

Dawkins enjoys having neo-Darwinian literature read aloud to him by Lalla. No doubt a little Douglas Adams as well, but only in his memory. Dawkins would only appreciate science fiction in a purely ironic way.

Dawkins believes that humans are robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve their genes. There is simply no space in this reality for likes of Tom Baker. So for all his touting about with Lalla, it is needless to say that the best man won. Reality may be harsh, Tom Baker, but at least in this case it is fair.

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